Thursday, July 27, 2006

Supply and Demand According to You

Wouldn't it be great if you as an individual could tailor your learning to your greatest passion in life? Whether that passion being snow boarding, dance, sports, reading, etc. Once and for all, you as an individual would be able to pursue your education down a path that interests and engages you.

Well, now is the time. Our Economics class has been discussing the concepts of demand, supply, and supply and demand. These economics principles are historically two of the more difficult principles to understand. In this assignment, students will need to identify a subject of interest. That one "thing" that is a passion in life. Mind you, only appropriate "passions", as previously defined in classroom discussions, are acceptable in this school assignment.

Students will take their passion and construct an economic analysis of that passion, focusing on how the principles of demand, supply, and suply and demand play a role in their particular passion. While constructing this economic analysis, students need to fulfill a content requirement. They must incorporate into their writing, several economic terms and principles. This incorporation needs to be a part of the bigger analysis of their particular passion. In otherwords, do not simply identify the principle and discuss its relationship to the passion in an isolated manner.

Students will then blog their analysis and post these blogs on the internet.

Here are the economic terms and principles that must be incorporated into the blog.

Demand, Quantity Demanded, Market, Demand Schedule, Law of Demand, Normal Good, Inferior Good, Substitute, Neutral Good, Complement, Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Supply, Law of Supply, Quantity Supplied, Supply Curve, Supply Schedule, Elastic Supply, Inelastic Supply, Shortage, Surplus, Equilibrium, Equilibrium Quantity, Equilibrium Price.

Whenever you incorporate these principles, your blog needs to change the color of the font, or underline the princples, in order to allow these principles to stand out.

Good luck and enjoy.

Mr. Aroune's Economics

Welcome to my Economics blog. The function and purpose of this blog is to construct a plateform in which students and parents are able to become more engaged in the study of economics. This blog will possess links to my school webpage, relevant econmic websites, blogs, and wikis. Students will work off this plateform throughout the course of the semester. Parents are now able to monitor and check the progress of their child, as well as monitor the progress in the course.

Aroune's Webpage

